We are very happy to have our Fraser Firs and Balsams back. We have been getting these two types of trees from the same two farms for the last 8 years. The Fraser's come in from North Carolina, and the Balsams come from Nova Scotia. Quality, and many many sizes. 4' up to 14'. We also have very rugged Xmas tree stands, even though we always order more each year, those stands to fly out the door. Lot's of freaked out December 20Th Xmas stand shoppers in the past. If your not down the the trees that are no longer alive, you can start a nice tradition around a Norfolk Pine. Norfolk's are amazing potted indoor evergreens, very Charlie Brown Christmas type trees. We have several little table top guys, and then they jump to around 2.5' and we were lucky to nab a nice 9 footer. Really great indoor plants. They like bright light, and thrive with some help with moisture, an occasional misting will do the trick. Go Season of Giving!
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