I was walking down Damen, and I looked into the window at Sprout Home. I don't know why I looked, it was like there was an inner voice in my head telling me "look, it might be the one", so I looked over my shoulder in the most unsly way. And there you were, so beautiful, glistening in the grayness of Chicago's fall. Blue, Violet, Deep Purple, so ablaze with color. I fell for you fast. There is nothing that will keep us apart. Especially since the people at Sprout told me I could take you home for $3.99. I felt a little bad while I watched them slip you into a bag, I wondered if you were afraid. But now that I see you on my brightly lit end table, I know your happy. I have kept you moderately moist, just like they told me to. I hope we can make it forever African Violet, your the tops. Or should I call you Sainpaulia, your cute Latin name. Either way, I'll treat you right. Even if your living in a 4' planter, i'll move you into a bigger home when you tell me you need that. I know you miss your friends at the store, but maybe they will also find true love with a lucky someone.
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