Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Terrarium Building Class Wednesday July 7th, 7pm

Wednesday, July 7 at 7pm: Terrarium Class -
We'll demonstrate the steps for building an open terrarium, including planting mediums, plants that work together, and maintenance. Participants can bring their own container and purchase the materials (rocks, charcoal, soil, and plants) for a fee or they may purchase a container at the store. If you bring your own container, make sure the opening is wide enough to fit your hand into. Material charges are based on the size of container and plant pricing (estimated charges are $35 - $75). RSVP to info@sprouthome.com space is limited

Monday, June 28, 2010

Palm Grenade goes for a walk....

So much to see and do here at Sprout Home, Today the Grenade went for a little journey around our little Chicago hood. Trying to cross the street took a while, no legs and all. Then over to Chicago and Damen, which way to go? How about some coffee over at Atomix, yummy. Then the Grenade went over to Rotofugi, tried to hang out with Kosik's Bunnys.... they were too tough for Grenade though, finally over to Odges for a nice helping of french fries and a chocolate shake. Needless to say Grenade is now chillin' out in the store. If you need a neato center piece, or just something to start the conversation, the Grenade are your pick. $20 at Sprout Home. If your making a special trip, call first, they should go pretty fast. They are about 9" in diameter and have a super thick stalk. They should last about a month or so.

Eco Pots...

These will not cost you much, yet they more than do that job. These planters are made from rice husks, corn husks, corn cobs, and all natural coloring agents and bonding agents. Love using the word agents.... These planters are compostable, not that they degrade any time soon. 4-6 years is the life expectancy of the Eco Planter. check them out here if you like.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

something is pretty fowl here.

Were rocking some new fancy ducks! Planter or Vase? That would be up to you. Just be mindful when you hear "lookout duck!" It might just be someone gifting you this ceramic piece.

Make something with that extension cord

Check out this cool lamp. You just snap together the frame, wrap the cord, plug it in, and lamp out. Not in the Flava Flav type of "cold lampin'" no... Create your own version. You can nap one of these here is you like.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010